October 5-6, The N.K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the A.A. Borisyak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences will host the Workshop for students, postgraduates and young scientists "Paleontology and Evo-Devo"
We plan to acquaint students of the Workshop with approaches and methods that allow to reconstruct the evolution of various Metazoa taxa ontogenesis with the use of palaeontological material. The leading organizer of the Workshop is Yulia A. Kraus, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Evolution of Morphogenesis Lab.
Lecturers of the Workshop: Sergey V. Rozhnov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PIN RAS), Yana A. Shurupova, PhD (Department of Biological Evolution, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University). Since the School includes practical sessions, the number of participants is strictly limited. We kindly ask those wishing to participate to register.