Programme of the Second Conference with international participation Apiology - 2024 dedicated to the 120th anniversary of A.N. Melnichenko 29 November 2024 Moscow, 26 Vavilova St., IDB RAS 10:00 - Opening of the conference 10:30 - Zachepilo Tatiana G. (St. Petersburg) On the memory skills of honey bee 10:50 - Mikheev Alexander (Australia) Honeybees contribute to the spread of pathogenic viruses in communities of wild arthropods 11:10 - Evgeny Ryabov (UK) Development and application of reverse genetic system for wing deformity virus, a major pathogen of honey bees 11:30 - Atnagulova Aisha A. (Moscow) Embryonic cell culture of honey bees 11:50 - Alexey Gulov (Rybnoye) Comparative evaluation of cryotop and cryovial at programmed freezing of sperm of honey bees 12:10 - Rostislav Streletsky (Moscow) Honey bees in toxicology 12:30 - Boguslavsky Dmitry (Moscow) Regulation of oogenesis in honey bees 12:50 - Alla Ilyasova (Moscow) Bee products in pharmacology 13:10 - Sharipov Alyam Y. (Ufa) Mysteries in swarming of wild and hive bees 13:30 - Prokudina Sofya (Moscow) Genomic markers of bee adaptation 13:50 - Closing of the conference
Programm of the Workshop Genetic Modification and Cell Genome Analysis (31 of October and 1 of November, IDB RAS)
31 October
Moderators E.A. Vorotelak / G.V. Pavlova
9:00-10:00 Registration of participants
10:00-10:30 М.А. Lagarkova, FRCC PCM, MSU “Approaches to the creation of highly immunogenic personalised oncovaccines”
10:30-11:00 A.K. Shaitan, MSU “From understanding the structure and dynamics of chromatin to the development of epigenetic engineering methods based on dCas-proteins”
11:00-11:30 Y. Vassetzky, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France “Targeted modification of 3D genome organization”
11:30-12:00 A. Schwager (Karpukhina), Institut Curie, Paris, France “From 3D organisation to therapy of mantle cell lymphoma”
12:00-12:15 Coffee break / Poster session
12:15-12:40 G.V. Pavlova, INHA & NPh RAS “Molecular and genetic aspects of differentiation therapy of human glioma”
12:40-13:05 E.S. Nikitin, INHA & NPh RAS “Gene therapy of epilepsy using calcium-activated potassium channels”
13:05-13:35 I.V. Lyadova, IDB RAS “In vitro models of human macrophage differentiation using induced pluripotent stem cells”
13:25-13:40 E.E. Voronezhskaya, IDB RAS “Fluorescence imaging of gene expression by hybridisation chain reaction: how to start and what can be obtained from it”
13:40-14:10 Lunch / Poster session
Moderators I.V. Lyadova / A.S. Tsimokha
14:10-14:40 R.A. Romanov, IDB RAS “Can maternal stress change the molecular cellular organisation of the brain of offspring”
14:40-14:55 Y. A. Nasykhova, Research Institute of AGiR named after D.O. Ott “Perspectives of using genetically characterised human biomaterial in reproduction”
14:55-15:10 A.F. Sayfitdinova, RSPU, SPbSU “Development of technologies for the study of DNA cells of preimplantation embryos”
15:10-15:25 E. P. Kalabusheva, IDB RAS “Modulation of YAP/TAZ signalling cascade by genetic modification and application of small molecule inhibitors”
15:25-15:40 M.S. Sabirov, IDB RAS “Influence of serotonin on the activity of transcribed regulatory elements during embryonic development of hypothalamus”
15:40-15:50 A.O. Travina, INC RAS “Transcription of tandem repeats in amphibian gametogenesis”
15:50-16:00 Coffee break / Poster session
16:00-16:25 A.S. Tsimokha, INC RAS “The efficiency of cellular reprogramming depends on the activity of immunoproteasomes”
16:25-16:50 P.I. Semenova, INC RAS “Editing of complex heterozygous mutation by CRISPR/Cas9 method in calcium-sensitive receptor gene in culture of induced human pluripotent stem cells”
16:50-17:15 E.G. Ivashkin, IEE RAS “Modern methods of spatial transcriptomics in developmental biology”
17:15-17:40 Y.Y. Silaeva, IGB RAS “An unexpected lesson of crossing error: embryonically lethal in homozygote Flnc gene mutations successfully compensate each other”
17:40-18:10 Summarising the results of the Young Scientist competition (poster presentations) and awarding the winners
1 November
10:00-13:00 M.S. Sabirov, IDB RAS “Introduction to the analysis of RNA sequencing data of individual cells”
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 V. Gasanov, IDB RAS “Modification of prokaryote cells, obtaining of progenitor strains, evaluation of recombinant protein expression level”
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 E.E. Voronezhskaya, E.G. Ivashkin, IDB RAS “Identification of results in HCR reaction in tissues using confocal microscope”
14:00-16:00 O.L. Cherkashina, IDB RAS “Genetic modification of eukaryotic cells: lipofection, assembly of viral particles, transduction”
16:00-16:10 Coffee break
16:10-17:30 A.A. Ryabinin, V.K. Abdyev, IDB RAS “Induction of human pluripotent stem cells: methods of cultivation, state of pluripotency, fundamental and applied significance”
10:30-10:40 E.B. Astaurova, IDB RAS “Presentation of the book “B.L. Astaurov (Essays, Memoirs, Letters, Materials)” and other publications for the anniversary of B.L. Astaurov”
10:40-11:05 E.V. Pchelov, IHST RAS “Role of B.L. Astaurov in the restoration of the historical truth about genetics in the Soviet period”
11:05-11:15 N.S. Myuge, VNIRO, IDB RAS “On the side of light and good: article by V.P. Efroimson “Pedigree of Altruism” and foreword by B.L. Astaurov”
11:15-11:30 Film about B.L. Astaurov
11:30-11:50 Coffee break
11:50-12:15 I.Y. Baklushinskaya, IDB RAS “Sex differentiation, parthenogenesis and androgenesis: hypotheses of B.L. Astaurov and modern ideas about the diversity of genetic mechanisms of sex determination in animals”
12:15-12:40 A.M. Kulikov, IDB RAS “Speciation genes – the past and the present. Brief review of the problem”
12:40-13:05 M.V. Ugryumov, IDB RAS “Morphogenetic factors as regulators of the genetic programme of the developing organism”
13:05-13:30 M.B. Evgeniev, IMB RAS “Molecular and biological consequences of heat shock in animals”
13:30-13:50 R.A. Ilyasov, IDB RAS “Significance of scientific discoveries of Boris L. Astaurov for beekeeping”
13:50-14:35 Lunch
Moderators I.Y. Baklushinskaya / E.E. Voronezhskaya
14:35-14:45 A.Y. Beiser, Alamed “PCR: principle, features and applications”
14:45-15:10 N.I. Abramson, ZIN RAS “Reconstruction of phylogeny and evolutionary history of fieldfares: from single genes to genomic studies”
15:10-15:30 А.А. Kotov, IDB RAS “riRNA pathway: balance between stability maintenance and genome evolution”
15:50-16:10 S.A. Simanovsky, IEE RAS “Study of Nothobranchius ugandensis species group in the context of chromosome evolution in the genus Nothobranchius”
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-16:55 D.Y. Romanova, INHA & NPh RAS “Genomic and cellular bases of behaviour in nerveless animals Placozoa”
16:55-17:15 E.G. Ivashkin, E.E. Voronezhskaya, IDB RAS “Peculiarities of molecular organisation of neurogenesis in animals with non-linear structure of the central nervous system”
17:15-17:35 N.I. Yenukashvili, INC RAS “Analysis of marker gene expression in cumulus cells as a way to predict oocyte competence”
17:35-18:00 I.F. Zhimulev, IMCB SB RAS "Characterisation of two types of genes functioning in the interphase genome of Drosophila on the example of polytene chromosomes" (video recording)
18:00-19:30 Furshet, memoires about B.L. Astaurov
30 October
Moderators R.P. Kostyuchenko / Y.A. Kraus
10:00-10:25 Y.F. Bogdanov, VIGG RAS “Genetic programmes of transition from mitosis to meiosis in life cycles of diploid organisms”
10:25-10:45 A.A. Nizhnikov, SPbSU “Amyloid networks: role in pathogenesis and biological functions”
10:45-11:10 Y.V. Shidlovsky, IGB RAS “Contribution of epigenetic and posttranscriptional mechanisms to the formation of long-term memory in Drosophila”
11:10-11:35 A.G. Zaraysky, IBCh RAS “Towards the solution of the embryonic scaling problem: the hypothesis of gene scalers and its confirmation on frog and sea urchin embryos”
11:35-12:00 S.V. Rozhnov, PIN RAS “Spontaneous fluctuations of variability in morphology of echinoderms, their relationship with symmetry and evolutionary significance”
12:00-12:20 Coffee break
12:20-12:45 R.P. Kostyuchenko, SPbSU “Molecular aspects of neurogenesis in annelids”
12:45-13:05 A.I. Bogomolov, IDB RAS “Spatial imaging of gene expression (in situ HCR) to assess the modulation of signalling pathways during early development of Spiralia”
13:05-13:25 N.P. Melnikov, MSU “Reaggregation of the common sponge Halisarca dujardinii: morphogenesis and molecular mechanisms of the process”
15:10-15:20 E.O. Kozhin, BioLine “Modern solutions for molecular biology: Products for molecular methods of analysis”
15:20-15:35 A.A. Vetrova, IDB RAS, SPbSU “Changes in body markings of the colonial hydroid Dynamena pumila during metamorphosis”
15:35-16:00 A.I. Kalmykova, IDB RAS “How to study human aging with the use of cells?”
16:00-16:25 A.F. Sayfitdinova, RSPU “Participation of repetitive genome element (GGAAA)n in sex differentiation in chicken”
16:25-16:50 M.A. Kulakova, SPbSU “Homeobox genes from ANTP class in evolution and development”
16:50-17:10 Coffee break
17:10-17:35 A. V. Bayramov, IBCh RAS “Search for genetic bases of appearance and development of paired limbs in jawed animals by studying modern representatives of evolutionarily ancient groups”
17:35-17:55 A. P. Grigorenko, VIGG RAS “Study of developmental and aging processes on model objects of dragonflies”
17:55-18:15 M.G. Grinberg, SPbSU “Evidence of early activation of the zygotic genome in the development of the annelid Ophelia limacine”
18:15-18:35 K.I. Adameiko, IDB RAS “Regulation of heat shock protein gene expression during cell reaggregation in the sponge Halisarca dujardinii”
18:35-19:00 Tea Party
31 October and 1 November - Workshop for young Scientists"Genetic Modification and Cell Genome Analysis" and Young Scientists Competition (Posters) for both Conference and Workshop
October 5-6, The N.K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the A.A. Borisyak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences will host the Workshop for students, postgraduates and young scientists "Paleontologyand Evo-Devo"
We plan to acquaint students of the Workshop with approaches and methods that allow to reconstruct the evolution of various Metazoa taxa ontogenesis with the use of palaeontological material. The leading organizer of the Workshop is Yulia A. Kraus, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Evolution of Morphogenesis Lab.
Lecturers of the Workshop: Sergey V. Rozhnov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PIN RAS), Yana A. Shurupova, PhD (Department of Biological Evolution, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University). Since the School includes practical sessions, the number of participants is strictly limited. We kindly ask those wishing to participate to register.
"Results of the laboratory's work in 2023" - Oleg V. Brandler
"Speciation on the rooftop of the world: a mosaic of genetic variation in mole voles" - Valentina G. Tambovtseva
"Influence of multiple hybridization on the genome of wide-area species on the case of the russet ground squirell Spermophilus major" - Andrey R. Tukhbatullin
"Results of the laboratory's work in 2023" - Oleg E. Lazebniy
"Results of phylogenetic study of saker falcon and gyrfalcon" - Daria N. Rozhkova
13:20-14:00 - Break
Best Publication of 2023 Contest among Young Scientists of the IDB RAS
"Happy eggs: ability to accumulate serotonin indicates mouse oocyte maturity" - Nina M. Alyoshina
"Duplication after duplication: sequential duplication of the Brachyury gene during the evolution of Cnidaria" - Aleksandra A. Vetrova
"Initial changes in dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease modeling will support the development of neuroprotective therapies" - Anna A. Kolacheva
"Differentiation of IPSC-derived human neural stem progenitor cells into dermal papilla cells as a model for studying neural crest development" - Andrey A. Ryabinin
"Actomyosin tract play a major role in morphallactic regeneration in calcareous sponges" - Ksenia V. Skorentseva
"Results of the laboratory's work in 2023" - Olga B. Simonova
"Evolutionary history and features of lawc gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster" - Roman O. Cherezov
"Effect of ectopic expression of human, mouse and Drosophila aryl hydrocarbon receptor on the development of Drosophila melanogaster" - Yulia E. Vorontsova
"Results of analysis of single cell sequencing data from mouse hypothalamic single cells in a diabetes model" - Evgeniia A. Chikina
"Changes in placental serotonin levels induce transcriptional and compositional shifts in the hypothalamus of the offspring" - Anastasiia N. Gainullina
"Gene regulatory networks of enhancer-promoter functional associations" - Marat S. Sabirov
"A combined approach of single cell transcriptomics analysis and associative whole-genome analysis" - Zakhar R. Starinnov
"Results of the laboratory's work in 2023" - Michael V. Ugrumov
"Study of the role of striatum neurons expressing tyrosine hydroxylase gene in compensatory processes in mice modeling Parkinson's disease" - Dmitry V. Troshev
"Compensatory mechanisms in the substantia nigra in mice modeling preclinical and clinical stages of Parkinson's disease" - Alyona E. Bannikova
"Results of the laboratory's work in 2023. Activity of the Scientific Competence Center for Sustainable Development and Environmental Health in 2023." - Vladimir M. Zakharov
"Mechanisms of "evolutionary rescue" of isolated malma populations in volcanic streams characterized by extremely high heavy metal levels" - Fedor N. Shkil
Lab Heads and staff, members of the Scientific Council of IDB RAS and others are invited to join the meeting.