Programm of the Conference "Genetics and Individual Development" in the Memory of Academician Boris L. Astaurov (29-31 of October, IDB RAS)

29 October

Moderators A.V. Vasiliev / I.S. Zakharov

9:00-10:00 Registration of participants

10:00-10:10 A.V. Vasiliev, IDB RAS “Opening of the Conference “Genetics and Individual Development”, Welcome speech”

10:10-10:20 V.Y. Brodsky, IDB RAS “Memories about B.L. Astaurov”

10:20-10:30 G.P. Georgiev, IGB RAS “Welcome speech”

10:30-10:40 E.B. Astaurova, IDB RAS “Presentation of the book “B.L. Astaurov (Essays, Memoirs, Letters, Materials)” and other publications for the anniversary of B.L. Astaurov”

10:40-11:05 E.V. Pchelov, IHST RAS “Role of B.L. Astaurov in the restoration of the historical truth about genetics in the Soviet period”

11:05-11:15 N.S. Myuge, VNIRO, IDB RAS “On the side of light and good: article by V.P. Efroimson “Pedigree of Altruism” and foreword by B.L. Astaurov”

11:15-11:30 Film about B.L. Astaurov

11:30-11:50 Coffee break

11:50-12:15 I.Y. Baklushinskaya, IDB RAS “Sex differentiation, parthenogenesis and androgenesis: hypotheses of B.L. Astaurov and modern ideas about the diversity of genetic mechanisms of sex determination in animals”

12:15-12:40 A.M. Kulikov, IDB RAS “Speciation genes – the past and the present. Brief review of the problem”

12:40-13:05 M.V. Ugryumov, IDB RAS “Morphogenetic factors as regulators of the genetic programme of the developing organism”

13:05-13:30 M.B. Evgeniev, IMB RAS “Molecular and biological consequences of heat shock in animals”

13:30-13:50 R.A. Ilyasov, IDB RAS “Significance of scientific discoveries of Boris L. Astaurov for beekeeping”

13:50-14:35 Lunch

Moderators I.Y. Baklushinskaya / E.E. Voronezhskaya

14:35-14:45 A.Y. Beiser, Alamed “PCR: principle, features and applications”

14:45-15:10 N.I. Abramson, ZIN RAS “Reconstruction of phylogeny and evolutionary history of fieldfares: from single genes to genomic studies”

15:10-15:30 А.А. Kotov, IDB RAS “riRNA pathway: balance between stability maintenance and genome evolution”

15:30-15:50 N.S. Myuge, VNIRO, IDB RAS “Genomic studies of aquaculture fishes”

15:50-16:10 S.A. Simanovsky, IEE RAS “Study of Nothobranchius ugandensis species group in the context of chromosome evolution in the genus Nothobranchius

16:10-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-16:55 D.Y. Romanova, INHA & NPh RAS “Genomic and cellular bases of behaviour in nerveless animals Placozoa”

16:55-17:15 E.G. Ivashkin, E.E. Voronezhskaya, IDB RAS “Peculiarities of molecular organisation of neurogenesis in animals with non-linear structure of the central nervous system”

17:15-17:35 N.I. Yenukashvili, INC RAS “Analysis of marker gene expression in cumulus cells as a way to predict oocyte competence”

17:35-18:00 I.F. Zhimulev, IMCB SB RAS "Characterisation of two types of genes functioning in the interphase genome of Drosophila on the example of polytene chromosomes" (video recording)

18:00-19:30 Furshet, memoires about B.L. Astaurov

30 October

Moderators R.P. Kostyuchenko / Y.A. Kraus

10:00-10:25 Y.F. Bogdanov, VIGG RAS “Genetic programmes of transition from mitosis to meiosis in life cycles of diploid organisms”

10:25-10:45 A.A. Nizhnikov, SPbSU “Amyloid networks: role in pathogenesis and biological functions”

10:45-11:10 Y.V. Shidlovsky, IGB RAS “Contribution of epigenetic and posttranscriptional mechanisms to the formation of long-term memory in Drosophila

11:10-11:35 A.G. Zaraysky, IBCh RAS “Towards the solution of the embryonic scaling problem: the hypothesis of gene scalers and its confirmation on frog and sea urchin embryos”

11:35-12:00 S.V. Rozhnov, PIN RAS “Spontaneous fluctuations of variability in morphology of echinoderms, their relationship with symmetry and evolutionary significance”

12:00-12:20 Coffee break

12:20-12:45 R.P. Kostyuchenko, SPbSU “Molecular aspects of neurogenesis in annelids”

12:45-13:05 A.I. Bogomolov, IDB RAS “Spatial imaging of gene expression (in situ HCR) to assess the modulation of signalling pathways during early development of Spiralia”

13:05-13:25 N.P. Melnikov, MSU “Reaggregation of the common sponge Halisarca dujardinii: morphogenesis and molecular mechanisms of the process”

13:25-13:50 V.V. Mun, IDB RAS “Origin of mouse rete testis cells”

14:10-15:10 Lunch

Moderators A.I. Kalmykova / N.I. Enukashvili

15:10-15:20 E.O. Kozhin, BioLine “Modern solutions for molecular biology: Products for molecular methods of analysis”

15:20-15:35 A.A. Vetrova, IDB RAS, SPbSU “Changes in body markings of the colonial hydroid Dynamena pumila during metamorphosis”

15:35-16:00 A.I. Kalmykova, IDB RAS “How to study human aging with the use of cells?”

16:00-16:25 A.F. Sayfitdinova, RSPU “Participation of repetitive genome element (GGAAA)n in sex differentiation in chicken”

16:25-16:50 M.A. Kulakova, SPbSU “Homeobox genes from ANTP class in evolution and development”

16:50-17:10 Coffee break

17:10-17:35 A. V. Bayramov, IBCh RAS “Search for genetic bases of appearance and development of paired limbs in jawed animals by studying modern representatives of evolutionarily ancient groups”

17:35-17:55 A. P. Grigorenko, VIGG RAS “Study of developmental and aging processes on model objects of dragonflies”

17:55-18:15 M.G. Grinberg, SPbSU “Evidence of early activation of the zygotic genome in the development of the annelid Ophelia limacine

18:15-18:35 K.I. Adameiko, IDB RAS “Regulation of heat shock protein gene expression during cell reaggregation in the sponge Halisarca dujardinii

18:35-19:00 Tea Party

31 October and 1 November - Workshop for young Scientists"Genetic Modification and Cell Genome Analysis" and Young Scientists Competition (Posters) for both Conference and Workshop