The PhD (doctoral) program at IDB RAS is designed to train early career scientists in developmental biology and related areas. Strongly focused on the innovative research techniques and in-depth knowledge, our program enhance students to become competent and creative researchers undertaking groundbreaking studies in this rapidly developing field.
The Institute has a well-developed infrastructure, a number of core facilities and bio-resource collections which are used for the training of PhD students. Our PhD students study and perform their research projects in 17 laboratories and research groups.
Our Institute offers a 4-year (full-time, all costs for RF citizens are covered by the State Budget) and a 5-year (part-time, all costs are covered by the student) degree programs. Upon successful completion of the program, students are qualified as "Researcher. Research and Teaching Fellow" in four Scientific Specialties. Specialty codes and profiles are given here in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Scientific Specialty Profiles
1.5.23. Developmental Biology & Embryology
Investigations in Developmental Biology & Embryology aim to study how organisms grow and develop from a single cell into a complex multicellular system. At IDB RAS, there are several laboratories doing research in the different areas of Developmental Biology, including embryogenesis, gametogenesis, regeneration, and stem cell biology: Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Evolution of Morphogenesis, Embryophysiology, Regenerative Biology, Comparative Physiology of Development. Our investigations provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that control development.
Developmental Biology & Embryology profile:
- Key patterns and principles of development in living systems.
- Biochemical and molecular mechanisms of cell differentiation in development and regeneration; molecular mechanisms providing cell plasticity in development, regeneration and deases.
- Molecular, cellular and tissue-level mechanisms of morphogenesis and growth; cell-cell interactions in development, regeneration and deases; embryonic induction.
- Methods of developmental genetics and genomics helping to assess the mechanisms of development, pathogenesis and regeneration. Molecular genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of development regulation. Establishing and application of genetic engineering technologies to correct developmental pathologies, and obtain organisms with specified properties.
- Stem cells biology with the focus on the pluripotent stem cells. The role of stem cells in development, regeneration and pathogenesis. Developing the methods to control the processes of cell differentiation and transdifferentiation in vivo and invitro.
- The cause and mechanisms of developmental disorders at molecular, cellular, tissue and whole organism levels. Developing the methods of correction of the genomic disorders. Experimental modelling of developmental pathologies using the methods of embryology and molecular genetics.
- Environmental factors and development. The influence of environment on developmental processes and their evolutionary changes. Reproductive strategies and life cycles, mechanisms of their regulation and evolution.
- Regulatory and integrating systems that ensure the robustness of ontogeny; molecular mechanisms providing the developmental robustness.
- Comparative and evolutionary developmental biology: comparison of developmental events and regulatory mechanisms between the organisms; evolution of developmental patterns; role of phenotypic plasticity in evolution.
- The role of developmental processes in the evolution of biodiversity; reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships and ancestral state of the traits by comparative analysis of developmental data.
- Mechanisms of sex determination, germline cell differentiation, gametogenesis.
- Establishing the methods for working with the objects of developmental biology.
- Patterns and processes of post-embryonic development (including the aging): molecular, subcellular, cellular and whole organism levels.
- Establishing the methods of the structural and/or functional replacement of organs and tissues, designing the tissue and organ equivalents.
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Cell Biology studies cell structure, function, behavior, signaling, division, differentiation and cell-cell interaction. A distinctive feature of Сell Biology research work at IBR RAS is that it is conducted in the context of developmental processes. The following laboratories work in the field of developmental Cell Biology: Cell Biology, Cellular and Molecular Basis of Histogenesis, Biochemistry of Ontogenesis Processes, Regenerative Biology, Evolutionary Genetics of Development.
Cell Biology profile:
- Сells and tissues of multicellular organisms. Key patterns of ontogeny, ultrastructure and functions of eukaryotic cells; cellular structure of tissues and organs.
- Cellular compartments and organelles, their spatial, structural fnd functional organisation. Cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, endosomes, lysosomes and lysosome-like organelles, peroxisomes, chloroplasts and other plastids, plasma membrane, cell membrane. Ribosomes. Proteasomes. Non-membrane organelles and structures formed by intrinsically disordered proteins and RNA.
- Organisation of the nucleus including nuclear membrane and nuclear pores.
- Spatial organisation of the genome. Topological domains of the genome. Structural, functional and spatial organisation of chromosomes, their reorganisation during cell differentiation, development and evolution.
- Cellular mechanisms of replication and damage repair.
- Cell and organelle membranes, their composition, structural and functional organisation. Ion channels, transporters and other mechanisms of transport through the cell membrane. Mechanisms of ion homeostasis maintenance.
- Vesicular transport and mechanisms of its regulation. Intercellular transport.
- Intracellular signalling, intercellular signalling. Receptor systems of the cell.
1.5.7. Genetics
Researchers working in Genetics are dealing with genes, heredity, and genetic variation in living organisms. At IDB RAS, studies in Genetics focuse on such areas as molecular genetics, population genetics, genomics, epigenetics, and genetic engineering. The research in Genetics is carried out in the following laboratories of the IBR RAS: Genome Evolution & Mechanisms of Speciation, Developmental Biochemistry, Developmental Epigenetics, Bioinformatics and Molecular Genetics, Evolutionary Genetics of Development, Molecular Genetics of Development.Their main aim of the research is to reveal and characterize the molecular genetic mechanisms that underlie development.
Genetics profile:
- Molecular, cellular and sub-cellular basis of heredity.
- Genomes, their structure and function.
- Genetic code. Structural and functional organisation of genomes. Structural and functional genomics. Cytogenetics as structural organisation of the eukaryotic genome.
- Processes of replication, recombination, repair.
- Mutations and phenitipic variations cased by mutations. Radiation and chemical mutagenesis. Genomic and chromosomal rearrangements. Polyploidy and aneuploidy. Phenotipic plasticity and variability.
- Methods of genetic analysis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Genetic mapping. Extrachromosomal heredity. Horizontal gene transfer.
- Structural and functional genomics. Evolutionary genomics.
- Epigenetics: epigenome/epiproteome/epitranscriptome. Imprinting.
- Realisation of genetic information (transcription, translation). Mechanisms of gene expression regulation. Interaction of genes.
- Molecular and genetic mechanisms of basic biological processes (development, differentiation, aging, immunity, nervous system, etc.). Genetics of development. Genetics of sex.
- Genetics of somatic cells. Intra- and intercellular interactions, signal transduction.
- Genetics of development. Intra- and intercellular interactions, signal transduction. Apoptosis. Immunogenetics.
- Cloning of organisms. Embryonic stem cells. Genetics of somatic cells. Reprogramming of stem/somatic cells.
- Genetic basis of biotechnology. Genetic and cell engineering. Genetically modified organisms. Transgenic organisms. Chimeric organisms.
- Symbiogenetics.
- Genetic/molecular genetic bioinformatics and methods of multivariate analysis.
- Genetics of plants and animals. Genosystematics. Phylogenetics.
- Genetics of viruses and microorganisms.
- Human genetics. Medical genetics. Hereditary disorders. Medical genetic counselling. Diseases with hereditary predisposition. Genetics of ageing. Immunogenetics. Oncogenetics. Behavioural genetics. Molecular genetic/biochemical diagnostics of human diseases. Pharmacogenetics. Genotoxicology. Genetic therapy.
- Population genetics. Genetic structure of populations.
- Natural and artificial selection, speciation, genetic mechanisms of evolution. Ecological genetics. Maintenance of genetic biodiversity and biobanks.
- Genetic bases of breeding. Genetics of quantitative traits. Hybridisation. Heterosis. Inbreeding.
- Applied aspects of genetics. Use of genetics in forensics, personal identification, systematics, diagnostics, etc.
- Mathematical and in silico modelling of genetic and evolutionary processes.
1.5.5. Human and Animal Physiology
The research work in the field of Human and Animal Physiology aims to understand the functions and adaptations of various physiological systems. This field includes the areas of cardiovascular physiology, respiratory physiology, physiology of endocrine systems, neurophysiology, reproductive physiology and physiology of development. The following laboratories of IDB RAS study physiology of developing organisms: Embryophysiology, Neural and Neuroendocrine Regulations, Physiology of Receptors & Signaling Systems, Neurobiology of Development, Comparative Physiology of Development.
Physiology profile:
- Key mechanisms of maintaining the homeostasis in the organism.
- Molecular and integrative organisation of physiological functions.
- Patterns and mechanisms of nervous and humoral regulation of physiological functions. Genetic, molecular, and biochemical basis of physiological functions.
- Functioning of the main physiological systems (nervous, internal secretion, immune, sensory, motor, blood, blood circulation, lymph circulation, respiration, excretion, digestion, reproductive, etc.) in different states of the organism.
- Organisation, dynamics and specificity of physiological processes at the different stages of development.
- Physiological functions at the level of cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism.
- Mechanisms of sensory perception and organisation of movements.
- Physiological bases of nerve system functioning in animals; human mental activity (mechanisms of learning, memory, emotions, consciousness, speech, purposeful behaviour, etc.).
- Physiological mechanisms of adaptation to different forms, types and conditions of activity, including extreme ones. Development of technologies for adaptive control of human physiological functions in extreme natural and climatic conditions.
- Regularities and mechanisms of organism adaptation to environmental factors (geographical, ecological, social / zoosocial). Study of the key genomic and epigenetic mechanisms that determine the resistance of the human organism to the combined effects of cold, hypoxia and other unfavourable environmental factors.
- Biorhythms of physiological processes.
- Development of new research methods in animal and human physiology.
- Constitutional-typological specificity of physiological functions.
- Physiological bases of health, healthy lifestyle and longevity.
The admission campaign is held every year, in August and September. To be able to apply for a doctorate, the applicant must hold a master's or specialist's degree in biology and related disciplins (e.g. Biomedicin, Biotechnology, Vetirenary etc.). Applicants must undergo a preliminary interview with the prospective scientific supervisor. The results of the interview are taken into account when deciding whether an applicant is admitted to the entrance examination. The entrance examination consist of two exams: 1) the Scientific Specialty (one of four Spetialties at the choice of the applicant and his/her prospective supervisor, see the Scientific Specialty profiles); 2) the foreign language (English, French, German at the choice of the applicant, results are valid for a year). Admission to doctoral program is based on the results of the interview and entrance examination.
Within 30 days after admission, the student, in consultation with the scientific supervisor, approves the topic of the intended doctoral project in the frames of the chosen Scientific Specialty.
Doctoral / PhD educational program
The program is divided into semesters (half-years) of study. The academic year runs from 1 October to 30 June. Until the beginning of the next academic year, a postgraduate student is granted holidays.
Structure of IDB RAS doctoral/PhD program
Scientific activity
- Research work on the PhD project at the laboratory of IDB RAS
- Preparing and publishing the scientific papers
- Preparing and giving the talks at the scientific meetings.
- Foreign Language (1st year)
- History and Philosophy of Science (1st year)
- Scientific Speciality (Developmental Biology & Embryology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Physiology) (2nd year)
Additional courses within the frameworks of chosen Scientific Speciality are provided by the supervisors for each student individually.
- Modern methods in biology (provided with practical courses in the application of the methods) (2nd year):
- Methods of cell culture and molecular genetic analyses
- Methods of confocal laser scanning microscopy for studying cells at the subcellular level
- Molecular genetics and genomics techniques
- Bioinformatics methods for analysing experimental data in biology and biomedicine
- Psychology of Research and Teaching (3rd year)
- Objects and Models of Experimental Biology (3rd year).
- Scientific Writing and Publication Ethics (3rd year).
- Ethical, social and legal aspects of biology and biomedicine (3rd year)
Students have to pass the following exams: Foreign language (1st year), History and philosophy of Science (1st year), Scientific Specialty (2nd year).
Each academic year students are required to prepare a progress report in the form of a public presentation.
IDB RAS scientists responsible for the educational program
Developmental Biology & Embryology - Elena Voronezhskaya, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Comparative Physiology of Development
Cell Biology - Ekaterina Vorotelyak, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Cell Biology
Genetics - Irina Baklushinskaya, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics of Development
Human and Animal Physiology - Igor Zacharov, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Neurobiology of Development
Scientific advisers
Developmental Biology & Embryology - Nikolay Ozernyuk, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Laboratory of Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Cell Biology - Vsevolod Brodsky, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Basis of Histogenesis
Genetics - Viktor Mikhailov, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Laboratory of Biochemistry of Ontogenesis Processes; Vladimir Zakharov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Laboratory of Postembryonic Development.
Human and Animal Physiology - Mikhail Ugrumov, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Neural and Neuroendocrine Regulations.
PhD thesis (Dissertation) Defense
After passing the examinations, students prepare for the defense of the PhD thesis (dissertation). The main scientific results of the doctoral project should be published in at least two papers in scientific journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.
For admission to the defense, the student must pass the so-called pre-defense. He/she presents a scientific report at a joint seminar of laboratories working within the scientific specialty relevant to the topic of the PhD project. For the pre-defense the student also prepares the thesis in written form. The dissertation is reviewed by a member of the Institute who has been appointed by the Dissertation Council and is an expert on the topic. At the pre-defense, the student gives a presentation on the results of the dissertation project and the reviewer gives his/her opinion on the dissertation. The heads of laboratories decide whether or not this dissertation meets the requirements for PhD theses. The dissertation accepted for defense is uploaded to the website of the IDB RAS.
Thesis defense is a public event, which can be attended by everyone. The candidate (student) gives a lecture explaining his/her research, followed by a discussion. The thesis is reviewed by two opponents. The opponent is an expert in the relevant field from an external institution who do not have joint publications with the student and/or his/her supervisor. Two opponents are officially appointed by the Dissertation Council of the Institute. The opponents and the audience are able to ask questions during the defense. A review signed by the Head of an external institution employing researchers who are highly familiar with the topic of the dissertation project is also required. The decision on the outcome of the defense is made by the Dissertation Council of the Institute on the basis of the opponent’s recommendations.

Marina Khabarova, PhD
Head of IDB RAS Doctoral Program

Tatiana Alexeeva, PhD
Manager of IDB RAS Doctoral Program
Dissertation Councils:
1) Developmental Biology & Embryology, Cell Biology
Head of the Council
Nikolay Ozernyuk, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Laboratory of Evolutionary Developmental Biology
2) Genetics and Physiology
Head of the Council
Igor Zakharov, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Laboratory of Neurobiology of Development
PhD students of IDB RAS
4th year students
3rd year students
Anna Gaidamaka
1.5.23. Developmental Biology & Embryology
Scientific supervisor:
E. Vorotelyak , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Olga Cherkashina
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
E. Vorotelyak , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Maryana Karimova
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
E. Vorotelyak , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Anna Karpukhina
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
Y. Vassetzky , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
2nd year students
Evgeniy Ruchko
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
A. Vasiliev , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kseniia Skorentseva
1.5.23. Developmental Biology & Embryology
Scientific supervisor:
A. Ereskovsky , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Valeriy Mun
1.5.23. Developmental Biology & Embryology
Scientific supervisor:
A. Kulibin , PhD
Evgeniia Chikina
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
R. Romanov , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Simkha Borman
1.5.23. Developmental Biology & Embryology
Scientific supervisor:
E. Voronezhskaya , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
1st year students
Anfisa Ryabchenko
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
E. Vorotelyak , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Zakhar Starinnov
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
R. Romanov , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Arseniy Kairov
1.5.23. Developmental Biology & Embryology
Scientific supervisor:
Yu. Kraus , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
PhD Students on Sabbatical
Andrey Ryabinin
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
E. Vorotelyak , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Olesya Serbina
1.5.22. Cell Biology
Scientific supervisor:
Y. Vassetzky , PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences